Wisconsin Chapter of GAPNA

SEWGAPN Ballot of Officers 2016-17

Posted about 8 years ago by Julie Roznowski-Olson

SEWGAPN Ballot of Officers 2016-17

President Elect 2016-17 and President 2017-18:

Kelly Comp RN, BSN, MSN, FNP-BC

Nurse Practitioner since 2002. The majority of my career has been working with the cardiothoracic surgeons at St. Luke's Medical Center. Recently I changed gears and for the last year I have been serving the geriatric population in the Milwaukee area working with Optum. Although difficult it has been an enjoyable change. I am intrigued to experience a different side of health care and I truly enjoy the wisdom and life stories shared from this population. I look forward to becoming a bigger part of the geriatric community

Please vote Yes _____   No_____

Write in Candidate: ___________________________________

Please vote Yes _____  No_____

Treasurer 2016-2018

Lynn Jenson

Was appointed for 2013-14 and was elected in 2014-2016. Lynn is a
past president of SEWGAPN. Lynn is currently an NP Provider with Community Care
Organization in Milwaukee

Please vote Yes _____   No_____

Write in Candidate: ___________________________________

Please vote Yes _____  No_____

Please return your ballot or vote by May 23, 2016 to Julie A. Roznowski-Olson at jroznows@mcw.edu or Amanda Clark Krause at amandaclarkkrause@me.com



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